Lithuanian Ombudsperson for children‘s rights have participated in Interdepartmental child welfare board meeting

2011 12 07
2011-12-07 Ombudsperson for children‘s rights together with her senior advisor have participated in Interdepartmental child welfare board meeting. During the meeting Ombudsperson for children’s rights presented her report “Problems, arising carrying out custody of children under 3-4 years in institutions for infants with development disorders and other institutions, carrying out the custody”. The report conclusions and possible solutions for identified problems were discussed.

2011-12-07 Ombudsperson for children‘s rights together with her senior advisor have participated in Interdepartmental child welfare board meeting. During the meeting Ombudsperson for children’s rights presented her report “Problems, arising carrying out custody of children under 3-4 years in institutions for infants with development disorders and other institutions, carrying out the custody”. The report conclusions and possible solutions for identified problems were discussed.